As soon as the mall opened at 10am, we half-dashed to the third level and frantically searched for the mecca of FCBD, Comic Odyssey.
To our dismay, there was already a snake of a line and whaddaya know, to make matters worse, Matt, our sneaky bastard of a friend was already there, comfortably placed at number 49.
To give you an idea how long the queue was, I was already number 225. And there were still hundreds of fans behind us. Men, women, kids, teens, gramps and grannies, professionals, students. They came in droves, and I give credit to the organizers for keeping the crowd orderly.
There's Koach in red and JM with the fancy phone.

What a show-off! We wanted to strangle Matt for getting his goodies way ahead of us.
In the end, all was forgiven and friendships prevailed.
(To be continued)
Nice bonding you all got there. Friendships prevailed, FTW! :)
And I am FCBD fanatic number 600+. No more goodies. LoL :D
@Hokage: Thanks, you should have been there bro, it was fun!
@manong calbo: It's understandable man, you had a more important matter to attend to. Nice meeting you by the way in person at Johnny Rockets :)
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